Bolivia works on the development of baseball with annotation course
08/08/2022 1 Minute Read

Bolivia works on the development of baseball with annotation course

(Press Release; WBSC-AMERICAS).- Bolivia continues to take steps to develop baseball in its country, part of it is to update all sports professionals in the different possible areas.

For this reason, last weekend (August 5-7) a scoring course was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, with two days of theoretical work and one day of practice with an internal tournament game of the Cochabamba Association.

This course was possible with the support of the WBSC in conjunction with WBSC Americas and through the Baseball and Softball Federation of Bolivia, through its president Alex Camacho.

The instructor for this activity was Oscar Izaguirre, a member of the WBSC scoring commission and the current secretary general of CONSUBE, with a track record in events such as the Olympic Games.

Through activities like this, the countries update and professionalize the necessary personnel to cover the responsibilities of carrying out the sport and developing baseball in Bolivia.

The support of these activities is key to the development of the sport and allows those interested in being part of it, to update and renew themselves in the face of the growth of the discipline.

(Direction of Media Relations; WBSC-AMÉRICAS)